Raha Nyqvist: A Conversation on Pioneering Women in Customer Success

3 min read

At Planhat, we’ve always been at the forefront of customer success innovation. In our series of conversations with industry leaders, we sit down with Raha Nyqvist, a force of nature in the realm of customer success.

Raha, you’ve been a prominent figure in customer success for over a decade. Can you tell us about your journey and what inspired you to enter this field?

– The landscape of customer success was very different when I first started. Over the years, I’ve witnessed transformations in the industry and within myself. I was drawn to the field because I saw an opportunity to redefine how businesses interact with their clients. Each challenge I faced taught me something valuable, and I’ve always been passionate about sharing those insights with others.

Your advocacy for women in business is notable. Why is this cause close to your heart, and how have you championed it?

– The tech world presents its own set of challenges, and for women, there are added layers to those challenges. I felt it was crucial to ensure others wouldn’t face the same hurdles I did. My mentorship program, dedicated to young, aspiring female entrepreneurs, was born out of this vision. Through it, we’ve been able to guide many in navigating the intricate maze of the corporate world.

Speaking of guiding others, tell us about the ‘Women in Customer Success’ group you founded.

– The ‘Women in Customer Success’ group on Facebook started as a small initiative but has since grown into a global community of over 7,000 members. It’s a platform for women in the industry to share experiences, seek guidance, and collaborate on fresh ideas. I believe in the power of community, and this group has truly shown the incredible things we can achieve when we come together.

Hosting the first-ever ‘Women in Customer Success’ meet-up in Stockholm must’ve been a significant milestone. How did that come about, and what was its impact?

– It was indeed a pivotal moment. I wanted to take the online community we had built and bring it into the real world. The meet-up in Stockholm was more than an event; it was a statement. The success of this gathering led to similar events worldwide, with myself and other leaders in the field ensuring these forums stayed true to empowering women.

Beyond community building, you also share a lot of industry insights. Can you tell us about your newsletter?

– Absolutely! My newsletter is where I share the latest in customer success – from innovative frameworks to methodologies. It’s been a way for me to connect with professionals in the field, share insights, and continue the dialogue on best practices.

Lastly, what’s your vision for the future of customer success, especially concerning inclusivity and innovation?

The future is promising. I see a world where innovation and inclusivity walk hand in hand, where every voice is heard, and every idea is valued. In the realm of customer success, I believe we’re poised to lead that change, ensuring that our industry is not only about businesses succeeding but also about people thriving.

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