What is a Low Touch Customer Onboarding Model?

4 min read

When it comes to customer onboarding, businesses are always on the lookout for smarter, more efficient methods. Enter the low-touch customer onboarding model - a game-changer in providing a seamless experience with minimal interaction. Discover what this approach entails, its noteworthy advantages, and best practices for successful implementation.

Understanding the Low Touch Customer Onboarding Model

The low-touch customer onboarding model streamlines the onboarding process by reducing the need for direct human interaction. Businesses achieve this by utilizing customer platforms like Planhat that provides automated tools and efficient processes to guide customers through the onboarding journey. This approach is highly effective for products or services with a simple setup or standardized onboarding process (while other types of businesses might benefit more form a high-touch customer onboarding model).

Benefits of a Low Touch Customer Onboarding Model

For a business, there are several advantages of Implementing a Low Touch Customer Onboarding Model

Increase Efficiency and Scale: Streamline customer onboarding with a low touch model, easily bringing on board a multitude of customers at once. With a customer platform and automation, onboarding becomes seamless and scalable, freeing up valuable time and resources.

Enhance Cost-Effectiveness: Cut costs by minimizing the need for extensive human intervention in the onboarding process. This allows businesses to allocate resources efficiently, prioritizing growth and customer satisfaction in other areas.

Speedy Onboarding: By providing customers with resources and intuitive tools, the low touch model enables them to progress through the onboarding process at their own pace. This results in a faster time-to-value and a positive initial experience with the product or service.

Consistency and Standardization: Standardizing the onboarding process ensures that all customers receive a consistent and reliable experience. By automating certain steps and providing clear instructions, businesses can ensure a uniform onboarding journey for every customer.

Customer Empowerment: The low touch model empowers customers by giving them control over their onboarding journey. They can access resources, complete tasks, and explore the product or service at their own convenience, fostering a sense of independence and ownership.

Best Practices for Implementing a Low Touch Customer Onboarding Model

To effectively implement a low touch customer onboarding model, businesses should consider the following best practices:

Intuitive User Interface and Onboarding Tools: Create a user-friendly interface that streamlines the onboarding process to guide customers seamlessly through each step and provide them with constant updates on their progress.

Proactive Communication: Implement automated emails or notifications to proactively communicate with customers throughout the onboarding process. Send relevant tips, updates, and reminders to ensure customers are engaged and informed.

Personalization at Scale: While minimizing direct human interaction, strive to incorporate personalized touches where possible. Use customer data and automation tools to deliver tailored messages, recommendations, or resources based on the customer’s specific needs or preferences.

Ongoing Support and Engagement: Even in a low touch model, provide accessible support channels for customers who need assistance. This can include email support, live chat, or community forums where customers can interact with each other and find answers to their questions. Additionally, encourage ongoing engagement with customers through post-onboarding follow-ups, surveys, and opportunities for feedback.


The low touch customer onboarding model offers businesses an efficient and scalable approach while empowering customers to take control of their journey. By utilizing a customer platform that provides automations and standardized processes, businesses can reduce costs and enhance the onboarding experience.

To implement a successful low touch customer onboarding model, ensure comprehensive self-service resources, an intuitive user interface, proactive communication, personalized touches at scale, and ongoing support and engagement. By following these best practices, businesses can optimize the onboarding experience, accelerate time-to-value, and foster positive customer relationships.

With the help of a customer onboarding platform like Planhat, creating a low touch customer onboarding model becomes easier since it leverages automations, analysis and collaboration tools to create a better experience for you, and for your customers.

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